Burari Public School


PTM Schedule

PTMs provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to communicate and discuss the progress, behavior, and overall development of the child. It allows parents to understand their child’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need improvement.

 Collaboration: PTMs foster collaboration between parents and teachers. They can work together to identify strategies and interventions that can support the child’s learning and development. Teachers can also gain insights from parents about the child’s home environment, which can help them tailor their teaching approach.

 Feedback: PTMs allow parents to receive feedback from teachers about their child’s academic performance, behavior, and social skills. This feedback can help parents understand their child’s over all growth and Development.

At BPS we conduct PTM every month that allows parents and teachers to discuss student’s progress, address any concerns, and collaborate on ways to support their education. Conducting PTMs every month shows a commitment to regular communication and involvement between parents and the school. This can greatly benefit the students’ overall development and academic success.

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