Burari Public School



Yes, we offer CBSE curriculum to students.
We start admission for children from 2 year 6 month onwards.
  • Pre Nursery – 2 years 6 months to 3 years 6 months
  • Nursery – 3 years 6 months to 4 years 6 months
  • Kindergarten – 4 years 6 months to 5 years 6 months
  • Grade 1 – 5 years 6 months to 6 years 6 months
  • Grade 2 – 6 years 6 months to 7 years 6 months
  • Grade 3 – 7 years 6 months to 8 years 6 months
  • Grade 4 – 8 years 6 months to 9 years 6 months
  • Grade 5 – 9 years 6 months to 10 years 6 months
  • Grade 6 – 10 years 6 months to 11 years 6 months
  • Grade 7 – 11 years 6 months to 12 years 6 months
  • Grade 8 – 12 years 6 months to 13 years 6 months


*As on 1st August

Each section goes up to maximum of 25 children.

Student teacher ratio varies as per grade. The ratio for early years is 15:1 and for all other grades it is 25:1

Features include:  
  • Academic Excellence : BPS focuses on providing quality education and has a strong academic Curriculum. It aims to develop students intellectual abilities and critical thinking skills.
  • Infrastructure : BPS have modern & well equipped infrastructure, including spaсious class rooms, science and computer labs, libraries, sports facilities, etc
  • Co-curriculum Activities : The school emphasize the importance of co-curricular activities such as A.I, CODING DECODING, SPORTS, MUSIC, DANCE, ART, DRAMA and many more. It provides opportunities for students to explore their talents and interests beyond academics.
  • Experienced Faculty: The school have a team of experienced and qualified teachers who are dedicated to providing a nurturing & supportive learning environment.

Our Values are central to everything we do. Good education ensures that young learners grow up to contribute to the society in meaningful ways. Character building cannot be quantified but it is our top priority at BPS. We prepare our students to be compassionate and responsible citizen of the world who care for the planet and all its inhabitants. It is our constant endeavor to help our students acquire ethical leadership through a broad range of activities curricular and co-curricular . Students are encouraged to push themselves in academics, sports and arts. It is our mission that our students thrive and embrace the challenges of 21st century with confidence.

We are extremely conscious and have systems. security and safety in place for every child. We have commissioned CCTV cameras on campus. Some of the other measures include Family card, 24 hour security staff, firefighting, emergency safety equipment, full-time Nurse on campus, self-owned buses and self-hired drivers. The security team checks their Government ID proof before any visitor is allowed in.

Parent have the contact no. of their child’s class teacher. In addition to this, we also have a Parent Relationship Coordinator whose number and email id is shared with Parents. They can connect with her regarding any communication they need to have with the school or teacher.

Yes we recommend that parents make an appointment so that the BPS team can give them dedicated time. You may fix an appointment by either filling up the ENQUIRY FORM available on the School Website or call up the admission office at 9560369703 to seek an appointment.

BPS is offering  a host of sports. Some of the sports offered are Tennis, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Skating, Taekwondo, Badminton, Basketball, Football, Shooting, Chess, Archery etc.

Yes BPS provides school transport in comfortable buses. Our transport plies on all major routes in the area for the convenience of our students.