Burari Public School


Integrated Science Lab

“It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness, and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents”
Every student is an enthusiastic scientist in the making, and they spend part of their school time in laboratory. They try to explore, probe and experiment to find the truth behind the facts of life, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos that result out of ignorance and preconceived notions.
Laboratories are stimulating places for Science students and since our children need to, practice their hands on experiments.. As many as 40 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously while the teachers and lab-assistants always at hand provide constant supervision and guidance for optimum results. Projects can be developed of a very superior standard thereby encouraging investigative analysis and reasoning.

Social Science Lab

In the lab, the students study detailed structures, morphological, histological and physiological aspects of plants and animals. Study of slides under the microscopes or studying the museum specimens kindles a natural curiosity towards Nature and instills a joy of learning the flora & fauna around us. All the equipment and specimens that we have in the lab are open for the school students to be used under careful supervision. This is a place where our students are given a chance to ‘discover’ before they are ‘told’. Children have the liberty to make models and projects by availing lab facilities.

Maths Lab

Math Lab is a state-of-art mathematics. It offers Multiple Teaching and Learning aids as well as a complete theme based ambience which helps students to visualize and feel mathematics. Based on the three pillars of ‘Imagination, Investigation and Interaction’, it provides an opportunity to students to understand, internalize, discover and verify the basic mathematical and geometrical concepts through concrete objects and situations.

Here are some ways we think a mathematics laboratory contributes to learning mathematics:

  1. It provides an opportunity for the students to discover through doing, which lays down a base for more abstract thinking.
  2. It gives more scope for individual participation. It encourages students to become autonomous learners and allows a student to learn at his or her own space.
  3. It widens the experiential base, and prepares the ground for later learning of new areas in mathematics and of making appropriate connections.
  4. In various puzzles and games, the students learn the use of rules and constraints and have an opportunity to change these rules and constraints. In this process they become aware of the role that rules and constraints play in mathematical problems.
  5. It builds up interest and confidence in the students in learning and doing mathematics.


The Library is unrivaled with vast variety of books, digital media, latest periodicals and journals. Burari Public School has a well-furnished library endowed with many international magazines and a huge spectrum of books authored by acclaimed writers of various genres. To nourish the intellect we have books, periodicals and journals on every imaginable topic. Every student is encouraged to read and discuss what he or she has read.
Apart from this, we have a library in every classroom where a child is allowed to pick up a book of his choice once he has completed his assigned task. This not only acts as an incentive but also teaches children to structure their time better.

Class Rooms

Educational researches have shown that teachers’ actions in their classrooms have twice the impact on student achievement as do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff congeniality, and parental involvement. The quality of teacher-student relationships is the keystone for all other aspects of classroom management.

At BPS, the intuitive class management techniques ensure that each classroom is the ‘favourite haunt’ of the class second to none, not even the playground. They are many and varied but result in effective teaching and enhanced learning in the classrooms.

Rotational Seating Arrangement


The key to this principle is that best teaching takes place when the teacher is on her feet; not on the seat.
The students at Burari Public School feel a strong sense of attachment and belongingness to their class, classroom and class teacher. It is truly their ‘home away from home.’ This is because the classroom is owned by them in the best possible way. They are responsible for the furniture and boards.
  1. There are neither ‘backbenchers’ nor ‘front-ups’ in Burari Public School.
  2. Students are seated according to a rotational system which makes each one sit in the front as well at the back.
  3. No child is made to feel sidelined or ignored by being made to sit in the corner or back seat.
  1.  At BPS , each and every teacher makes frequent rounds while the students are working to check on their progress.
  2. The teacher passes through the whole room about two minutes after the students have started a written assignment. She checks that each student has started and provides individualized instruction as needed.
  3. The students who are not yet quite on task quickly ‘get going’ while the teacher quietly yet firmly reminds the distracted learners to focus.

Each and every child is given some role or responsibility turnwise throughout the session. The purpose is manifold:

  1. Build leadership capabilities
  2. Develop self-esteem and self-confidence
  3. Motivate the so called naughty students or weak learners
  4. Practice through action the value of Equality and ‘First among equals’
  5. Allow each and every child to shoulder responsibility and learn accountability
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Acivity Includes

Sports & Games Creative & Performing Arts Health & Fitness
  • Basket Ball
  • Volley Ball
  • Badminton
  • Table Tennis
  • Skating
  • Athletics
  • Boxing
  • Wrestling
  • Gymnastic
  • Kabaddi
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Instrumental Music (Guitar, Violin, Keyboard, Drum)
  • Drama
  • Acting Workshop
  • News Reading
  • Public Speaking
  • Drawing, Painting
  • Art, Craft and Sculpture
  • Photography
  • School Band
  • Video Song Production
  • Youtube Chanel (M2 Folk Music)
  • Karate
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Aerobics
  • Chess
  • Carrom
  • Martial Arts
                                  LESS BURDEN OF SCHOOL BAG


Burari Public School not only aims at improving the academics, but also desires the overall development of its students. Hence, the school boasts of numerous sports activities like Karate, Skating, Yoga, Gymsnastics etc. which instill team spirit, co-operation, co-ordination, endurance and strength in the students. The talented students have participated in the state and national level and won numerous accolade.


We provide Safe and Comfortable buses that are spacious and air-conditioned. There is a lady attendant in each and every bus. These school buses ply on most routes of the city. Students get more space to sit and keep their bags too. They do not have to take in the air and noise pollution from outside besides reaching the school fresh and on time. Use of school bus is optional, however, we encourage all to avail this facility to avoid traffic congestion and reduce the carbon footprint.

Experimental Learning

  • Traditional teaching styles are becoming less and less effective at reaching today’s students.
  • Student boredom is a deterrent to learning, and higher education has been criticized for not sufficiently challenging students.
  • Research confirms that students learn most effectively from active engagement with information and ideas.
  • Students learn better when they take the initiative to apply concepts to practice, to solve real problems, to make decisions, and to reflect on the consequences.
  • Conventional pedagogy views experiential learning as taking place primarily outside the classroom. However, experiential learning works very well inside the classroom. It enables faculty members to pose problems, observe how students go about solving them, facilitate learning, observe learning as it occurs, and help students make meaning of their experiences. In this way, faculty members can address errors and misunderstandings during the learning process, rather than after they have occurred in homework assignments.
  • Experiential learning inside the classroom works very well in large classes and for students who have work and family responsibilities in addition to their classes. Simply put, experiential learning is the intentional combination of experience and learning so that each enhances the other. It is an excellent pedagogy for developing skills as well as knowledge, encouraging deep understanding of learning complex concepts, applying theory to practice, and preparing students to be critically reflective professionals.

Smart Class

Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Technology has affected us in every aspect. Smart classes as a modernized method of education in Indian education scenario which provides quality education to students by helping them in better concept formation, concept elaboration, improvement in reading skills and academic achievement.

Technology benefited us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education. In ancient days students were taught in a gurukul where they were taught by the gurus. But this system was replaced by modernized culture. New methods of teaching have been introduced which is known as smart class. It uses instructional material, 3D animated modules and videos, and all the renowned schools are using this concept. Now the students are thrilled at this concept of innovation and interactive learning process. The concept of digitized classroom has not only made education interesting but a chance to students to enhance their performance.

A smart classroom is a classroom that has an instructor equipped with computer and audio-visual equipment, allowing the instructor to teach using a wide variety of media. These include smart interactive white board, DVD’s, PPT’s and more, all displayed through a data projector. Smart class is a digital initiative, which is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn. With the help of school curriculum, smart classes bring in technology right next to the blackboard for teachers in the classroom. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for the students while improving their overall academic performance in school.
We all know how helpful it is to remember something that is taught visually to us rather than the one that is read through pages after pages. Just imagine, how beneficial would it be for students to understand a chapter visually in class. The concept of smart class education is indeed a blessing to the students of the 21st Century. Technology is changing the way life functions and if it’s for the good, then why not go for it!
Smart classes use all interactive modules like videos and presentations and these visually attractive methods of teaching becomes appealing to students who are already struggling with the traditional method of teaching in a classroom. In fact, smart classes are almost like watching movies as sometimes, animated visuals are used to teach a point. This kind of visual is both eye-catching and young students can easily relate with them. This is because the audio-visual senses of students are targeted and it helps the students store the information fast and more effectively. And then, there is the advantage of utilizing much of the time wasted earlier in drawing or preparing diagrams on board. Smart boards have all these information in memory and can be presented during the time of class lectures and thus, the time saved can be used in more important things.
Some students and teachers have problems with chalk dust and they tend to suffer from allergic reactions. The smart boards saves you from such distress and won’t let you develop any health issues later. Smart boards are a lot smarter when it comes to field trips which is impossible with textbooks. A field trip to the deserts of Sahara or the rain forests of the Amazon basin becomes easy with visuals in the smart boards of smart classroom. These visuals are definitely more attractive than those descriptions in a few lines of a textbook.
One of the main reasons behind the constant increase in popularity of smart classes is the fact that this kind of education is perfect for all kinds of students. A classroom has students with varied power of understanding and learning, and studying from notes and other materials becomes difficult for some students. But the use of smart classes and modern technology eases the learning process for all students. Moreover, this kind of education in class promotes more interaction between teacher and student with more participation from both sides.
When you take the negative side of this kind of smart education, there are just a few when compared to the myriad advantages it offers to students. Some technical fault that might arise during a class lecture is a common concern among those lobbying against smart technologies in classroom education. Then, there is the costing factor as well that is preventing schools to adopt this technology. With smart education comes the problem of high cost of education.
The possibilities or advantages of smart classrooms are endless. Although adopting such a new concept might be a tough decision for many, but the technology can create a new opening for the education sector. Its indeed a blessing, all you need to do is to give it a try!

Art Music Drama Studio

At Burari School, we recognize the importance that creative arts have in the life of all pupils. We combine the subjects of Art, Music, Dance, Movement and Drama to form a comprehensive and exciting approach to developing all pupils’ creativity that builds on their strengths and interests. Our purpose built facilities and resources in the central school include a large, multi-purpose Art Studio and a newly developed Movement and Dance Studio with mirrored walls. In the Primary and Middle School, the classroom teachers deliver Creative Arts whereas in the Upper School, subject specialists in Art, Drama, and Music teach students. Creative Arts takes on a very multi-sensory approach, particularly for pupils with either sensory impairments.